Easter is one of my favorite holidays when it comes to decor. Ok, let’s be real I LOVE decorating for every holiday. But by the time Spring rolls around, I am so ready for Easter decor. Bring on the bunnies, the chicks, the eggs, the pastels and all the flowers!
Like with all my holiday decor, I like to incorporate my own special twist. A few years ago, I had some leftover pages from a book that had been upcycled into a wreath and since I hate wasting even a single page, I decided to transform these pages into something fun for Easter. #NOPAGELEFTBEHIND
I got to work and in about 10 minutes, I had created enough book page Easter grass to fill one of my silver bowls. I threw in a few bright white eggs and had an instant centerpiece.

This was such an easy craft (if you can even call it that), but I get so many compliments on it that I wanted to share! There is something unexpected about using book pages. Plus, the neutral color palette works really well as a backdrop that allows all the fun Spring colors to pop.
Ready to make your book page Easter grass? Grab your supplies - book pages and a paper cutter or scissors - and follow these simple steps.
1. Pick your book.
This is the really fun part. You’ll want to consider the container you plan to use, what you will put with the book page Easter grass and the overall look you want to achieve. Check out these 3 rules to follow when selecting books for crafts. Another option is to use hymnal pages; which are so perfect to use during the Easter season and are easy to find at thrift stores and estate sales.
2. Cut your pages.
A paper cutter is the quickest way to do this, but scissors will work fine too. If you want chunkier grass, cut strips that are about 1/2 inch. For thinner grass, stick with strips no larger than 1/4 inch. If your container is small, you might want to cut the strips in half lengthways, but you can always do that part later if needed.

3. Fold your strips.
Just a quick and simple accordion fold will give the grass the perfect volume.

4. Pull and separate your strips.
Pull your strips a bit at each end to loosen the folds and then separate them.

Your book page grass is ready to get Easterized! Yep, just made up that word.
Looks at these eggs all comfy in a sweet little book nest.

Get creative and play around with it. Add in some foil wrapped chocolate eggs or even a sweet little bunny!

Side note - the turquoise dish used is from my Grandma’s set of Ballerina dishes made by Universal Potteries, Cambridge, OH in the 1950s. My sister and I share custody and use them for our family Easter dinners. They are one of my favorite things from my Grandma.
Isn’t their ad and price list fun?

Now after you finish your eBay search for Ballerina dishes because you need these “refreshingly modern, but not extreme” dishes in your life, have fun making your book page Easter grass!
Very cute. And love your grandma’s dishes. Perfect for Easter.
Yes, I love using the ballerina dishes at Easter!