I love decorating for ALL the holidays and Valentine's Day is no exception! 

Compared to Christmas, my V-day decorations are a fraction of the cost. Like a tiny fraction. If my Christmas decorations were a steak dinner, Valentine’s Day decorations would be a cheese roll up at Taco Bell. Still delicious, but on a totally different budget.

Here are nine ideas for beautiful Valentine’s Day decor on a budget. 

1. DIY book page bunting

Nothing says LOVE quite like a bunting that you know, says LOVE. I made this super easy bunting with a some book page scraps, a sharpie and baker’s twine. It’s not perfect, but neither am I, so I’m just going with it.

DIY book page bunting on an old window

2. Sheet music

There's just something romantic about sheet music. And, there are so many great love songs out there; which makes finding something appropriate for Valentine’s Day super easy. Just open up the music and lay it out on your coffee table or entry table for all to admire. I always get my sheet music at garage sales or estate sales and it is always really inexpensive.

A few years back, I bought a box full of music for $5 and it was full of gems! Here’s a cute one I found in that box - To Think You’ve Chosen Me. Perfect for Valentine's Day! 

Sheet music "To think you've chosen me" displayed for Valentine's Day

3. Heart garland.

For some reason, I love sewing paper. This garland is super easy to make and if you don’t sew, no problem. You can always just punch holes using a hole punch and string on twine. Instructions for this are pretty easy:

  1. Cut out hearts
  2. Measure out the length you want and space them out about an inch apart to make sure you have enough hearts.
  3. String on twine or ribbon OR sew together.

Yep, that’s pretty much it.

Alternating pink and book page hearts for a Valentine's Day garland
Sewing a book page heart
DIY paper heart garland with book pages and pink card stock

4. Reds and pinks

One of the reasons I love Valentine’s day is the freedom to mix reds and pinks. I leave out my red drapes from Christmas through February and throw in pops of pink from my spring decor and BANG! Valentine’s Day. I only have one Valentine's Day pillow and I couldn't resist it because it was on clearance for only $4! But, my church pew would just as festive with a simple red pillow next to my pink spring pillow.

Church pew with pink pillow and red drapes for Valentine's Day

5. Tulips

I use artificial tulips in my spring decorations, but I always bring out the cream and blush ones a few months early to use for Valentines day. I like them better than roses and as long as they are white, red or pink, they will go right along with your V-day decor. 

Vase of cream and blush artificial tulips

6. Books

Of course I use books in my Valentine’s decor! Books are perfect for stacking and adding some height and texture. Red is a really common color for vintage and antique hardbacks, making it easy to find some perfectly suited for your Valentine’s Day decor. I have a set of red encyclopedias that I use across my mantle. Lucky for me, everyone knows that I love books, so a friend gave them to me when she was cleaning out her basement. #bookhoarder

Stack of red books

7. Valentines

Vintage Valentine's Day cards are a great example of ephemera that make an easy and inexpensive decoration. It might seem like a no-brainer, but once I bought a bag of vintage valentines and several people that saw me with it asked what I planned to do with them. I just looked at them blankly and said “Gonna decorate for Halloween.” Come on people!

I wish I would have saved all my elementary school Valentine cards. That'll teach me to never throw things away,  but at least I have a few from someone else's Valentine's Day memories to display.

Vintage Valentine's Day cards

8. Love quotes

There are so many great love quotes. Surely, you can find one that makes you happy! Find one or two and update your chalkboards and letter boards. Here are my chalkboards this year.

You can't go wrong with a nod to the Beatles "All You Need Is Love."

Antique chalkboard with All you need is love hand lettered

And since we celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr at the end of January, his inspirational words about love are perfect to keep up through the month of February.

Vintage blackboard with Martin Luther King Quote "I hav edecided to stick with love" hand lettered

9. Red buttons

I love buttons and red buttons are some of my favorite. I scored a huge jar of red buttons at an estate sale awhile back and I love sprinkling them around the house for Valentine's Day.

Aren't they cute in my heart shaped candy dish? I'm trying to cut back on sugar, so the buttons are the perfect substitute for candy.

Heart shaped candy dish full of red vintage buttons for Valentine's Day decor

I hope you leave inspired with some inexpensive and festive ways to decorate your space for Valentine's Day. Have fun creating and spreading love!

9 ideas for Valentine’s Day decor on a budget